Project Purpose

The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District (LPSNRD) is in the process of updating their multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) with the assistance of JEO Consulting Group. A HMP is a community-guided document which identifies vulnerability to natural and man-made hazards and mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate such risks. Having an approved HMP is a requirement of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for jurisdictions to become eligible for several grant funding options, as well as enables communities to be stronger and more resilient by:

  1. Reducing community’s risk and impacts from disasters;
  2. Gaining eligibility for pre- and post-disaster mitigation grants; and
  3. Builds partnerships and relationships with stakeholders within the community and region.

Hazard Mitigation Plans are required to be updated and approved every five years. Throughout this planning process key representatives including community leaders, school districts, fire departments, airports, hospitals, residents, and business owners are invited to participate by attending public meetings and providing information for the plan.

This plan update was funded by a FEMA planning grant which includes 75% federal funding and 25% local match. The LPSNRD provided the 25% local match.

Lower Platte South NRD Planning Area

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Planning Process

This planning process included several public meetings which allowed community members and interested stakeholders to learn about the plan and provide key input on community vulnerabilities and actions to address those vulnerabilities. These meetings were hosted in communities across the planning area and facilitated by NRD and JEO staff.



Round 1 Meetings

Round 1 Meetings were held in June 2024. To see a recording of the Round 1 meeting please click HERE

  • Key information collected at Round 1 meetings included: demographics, future development trends, community lifelines/critical facilities, and hazards of top concern. 


Round 2 Meetings were held in September 2024. To see a recording of the Round 2 meeting please click HERE

  • Key information discussed at Round 2 meetings included: plan maintenance, plans and studies, review old and adding new mitigation actions. 


Meeting Materials

Completed meeting materials are due back to JEO by October 25, 2024

Meeting materials are available to download HERE including presentation slides and required worksheets to complete. 

All materials can be mailed to: JEO Consulting Attn: Brooke Seachord, 2000 Q St, Ste 500, Lincoln NE 68503

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2020 Lower Platte South NRD Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

The currently FEMA-approved Lower Platte South NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan is available here for download. Community sections may be viewed under their appropriate County Appendix. 

Regional HMP Upfront

Cass County Appendix: This appendix includes all the cities and villages within Cass County.

Lancaster County Appendix: This appendix includes all cities and villages within Lancaster County.

Special Districts Appendix: This appendix includes the following jurisdictions: City of Ashland, Village of Brainard, Cass County Rural Water District #1, Cass County SID #1 (Lake WaConDa), Cass County SID #5 (Buccaneer Bay), Village of Ceresco, Conestoga Public Schools, Norris Public Schools, Raymond Central Public Schools, Village of Valparaiso, Waverly Public Schools, and Weeping Water Public Schools.

Lower Platte South NRD Appendix: This appendix includes the jurisdictional profile for the Lower Platte South NRD.

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Take our Public Survey!

You can help craft mitigation and preparedness measures for your home, family, and community by sharing your thoughts and input through our public survey for the Lower Platte South NRD HMP. 

Complete the survey and be entered to win a prize! Click HERE for survey link or scan the QR code! LPSNRD HMP Survey QR


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Have revisions, questions, or comments? Contact us!
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