Beatrice, NE - Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Challenge: 
Severe weather, like flooding and tornadoes, have negatively impacted Beatrice, Nebraska, for generations. The city wanted to develop more resilient strategies to mitigate natural hazards, and saw an opportunity through the development of a hazard mitigation plan (HMP).  

The Solution: 
We worked with the City of Beatrice to develop their HMP in 2008 and update in 2013. Their HMP included a comprehensive risk assessment and the identification of strategies and projects to reduce risks and increase community resilience. Through utilizing various funding strategies (some made possible by their HMP), Beatrice worked with a range of stakeholders and agencies to accomplish their goals. The city robustly implemented the strategies and projects identified in their HMP.  

Project Benefits: 
With its HMP, Beatrice is often identified as one of the communities leading effective hazard mitigation for the state of Nebraska. And local elected officials have proven, over multiple decades, a dedication to reducing the vulnerabilities facing Beatrice. So, in 2015 when flood waters were rising, many nearby communities prepared for extensive damages and cleanup efforts. Comparatively, citizens of Beatrice were inconvenienced with flooded roadways and closed parks. When flood water receded and account was taken, homes were not damaged and residents were not displaced.